Battle of the elements
Battle of the elements

battle of the elements battle of the elements

Wa_english_title: "Customize Battle Elements with Warhammer II: The Laboratory", Wa_subject: "emtsubject:event,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/visualcomputing/videogamedevelopment", Wa_emtsubject: "emtsubject:event,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/visualcomputing/videogamedevelopment", Wa_emtcontenttype: "emtcontenttype:salesandmarketingmaterials/testimonial/casestudy", If you want to check out more on core optimization, and how you can take advantage of the most powerful CUPS, check out /gamedev and check out Total War: Warhammer II with the free DLC, The Laboratory, out now. And for a game like Total Warhammer, where you're taking the troops, and telling them where to go, and the computer is telling where to send their troops, it really provides a whole new scope. You can offload things from the GPU to get better performance, better frame rates, better physics, better AI interactions within the game. Physics, particle effects, explosions, all these different sliders to mess with it so that you can really experiment, and just create as much chaos as you can in that game.Ĭore optimization is an important part in game development-being able to offer features to those who have high end systems.

battle of the elements

You can up the count of troops that you have on the ground. So when the big guy hits them, the AI goes flying into the air.

battle of the elements

You know, you can scale up or down the gravity. We worked with the developers to add various sliders-16 different sliders-to change the way that you're able to play the game. The Laboratory is free DLC game mode made in collaboration with Intel. Hi, I'm David Taylor, here at the Intel booth at GDC 2018, demoing Total War: Warhammer II: The Laboratory.

Battle of the elements