D&d 5e monster stat block
D&d 5e monster stat block

An even shorter variant leaves out the hit points – this is the way that Wizards does it in their current adventures, with (potentially) the full monster descriptions appearing in the back of the book or in the Monster Manual. This makes the adventure easier to read and prepare, but more difficult to run. The advantage of this format is that the text isn’t interrupted by a lot of extraneous text. It’s a little hard to tell if this was an aesthetic choice or one born from the fact that the rules were still somewhat in flux (the AD&D Monster Manual was out, but the adventures had been written for original D&D). The earliest adventures – the Giant adventures by Gary Gygax – listed the name of the monster and its hit points and nothing else. Including monster statistics – stat blocks – in adventures is a challenge.

D&d 5e monster stat block